Sunday, 9 September 2012

So it Begins....

Today I started the 5 x 50 Challenge for Sports Relief.
Please sponsor me by clicking the 5 x 50 Sports Relief picture on the right hand side of my blog.

As I Went Walking
As a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints we believe in keeping the Sabbath day holy and in order to do that we must refrain from doing any type of exercise, going shopping, paying video games and watching television. But, because of this Sports Relief challenge we all agreed to just walk on Sundays, instead of running/jogging or cycling.

I must admit that today I DID NOT want to go out walking at all and I was definitely not in the mood for it. But, I'm not doing this for me I'm doing it for Sports Relief and that is the incentive to keep going... and I'm only on the first day! Give me strength!

It was a really lovely mid evening walk and I didn't come across too many people and the weather was mild so I didn't get too hot or too cold. But I can tell I am slightly unfit because I got a stitch half way through!! It wasn't too bad though.

I walked 3.78 miles in 1 hour and 15 minutes - which is more than 5km but if I had walked any other way home I wouldn't have done 5km.

1 day down 49 to go.

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